ThmIndxr(tm), the ONLY HTML thumbnail/indexer you need!!

ThmIndxrTM Launcher Utility

TxLaunch is a utility program that allows you to harness the power and flexibility offered by ThmIndxrTM from an easy-to-use Windows dialog box application. From the TxLaunch window, shown below, you can select settings for all of the command line options available, and launch the TixrCfg and TixrCmd utilities for editing the configuration and command files you use.

TxLaunch main window

TxLaunch is a native Windows application, and includes a complete Help file. For your review, we have included complete a complete explanation of each of the program's controls below.

Load Settings...

Use the Load Settings... button to read an existing setup file from disk and set the TxLaunch control values accordingly.

Tip: When TxLaunch is first started, the settings in the dialog controls reflect the default settings used by ThmIndxrTM, with one exception: Verbose mode is automatically selected unless you specifically turn it off. The settings TxLaunch uses as defaults can be changed by making your selections and saving them in a DEFAULT.TXS file in the same directory that contains the TXLAUNCH.EXE program file. The DEFAULT.TXS file will then be automatically loaded each time TxLaunch starts, establishing your choice of default values without needing to press Load Settings... as a first step.

Save Settings...

Use the Save Settings... button to save the current entries in the TxLaunch controls to a setup file on your hard disk. The settings can then be reloaded at a later time, to rebuild the same HTML index page, or as the basis for creating another page.

Title String

The Title String editfield sets the Title String for the HTML index page being defined. In addition to choosing an Input Directory, you must supply an entry in this field, or choose a command or configuration file before the Go! button is activated by the program.

The Title String entry defines the string displayed in the browser's title bar when the HTML output page is viewed; it also is used as a title heading at the top of the HTML page, and in the <ADDRESS> line in the page footer.

The visible page title string (at the top of the HTML document) is written using <CENTER> and <H1> formatting. You should not use any HTML formatting commands in the Title String entry.

TxLaunch will not accept an entry in the Title String editfield that only contains whitespace characters. If you enter such a string, the program will detect it when you press the Go! button. It will then display an error message, and return you to the dialog to correct the problem before ThmIndxrTM is started.

A non-empty Title String entry must be defined either on the command line (supplied by the Title String editfield of the TxLaunch dialog) or in a command file when ThmIndxrTM is run, or a fatal error will abort the program's operation. The command file does not have to be directly referenced in the TxLaunch window: If the file specified in the Configuration File editfield refers to a command file that contains a Title String entry, TxLaunch will find it when the Go! button is pressed, and allow ThmIndxrTM to run.

Input Directory

The Input Directory editfield specifies the directory from which ThmIndxrTM is supposed to read images to build the output HTML page. In addition to choosing a Title String, you must supply an entry in this field, or choose a configuration file before the Go! button is activated by the program.

TxLaunch will not accept an entry in the Input Directory field that only contains whitespace characters. If you enter such a string, the program will detect it when you press the Go! button. It will then display an error message, and return you to the dialog to correct the problem before ThmIndxrTM is started.

A non-empty Input Directory selection must be made either on the command line (supplied by the Input Directory editfield of the TxLaunch dialog) or in a configuration file when ThmIndxrTM is run using TxLaunch.

1 Browse...

This Browse button allows you to pick the Input Directory using a File Open dialog. Locate the directory from which you plan to have ThmIndxrTM read images, pick any one of the files there, then press the OK button in the selection dialog. TxLaunch automatically transfers the directory information to the Input Directory editfield.

Write Output HTML File

The Write Output HTML File editfield determines name, and optionally, the path location, of the HTML output page file to be created for the first directory where ThmIndxrTM reads images from. ThmIndxrTM will write the HTML file to the input directory if the Write Output HTML File entry does not contain any path information. If Recursive mode is active, ThmIndxrTM will create output files with the same name as specified in this entry, in directories directly related to the input directory tree.

If the Write Output HTML File entry does not contain a drive letter, the HTML page is created on the current drive when ThmIndxrTM is run. If the Write Output HTML File field does not include any path information, the HTML page is created in the current directory of the drive where it is being written.

TxLaunch fills the default HTML file page name in the Write Output HTML File editfield when it first starts. If you delete the text of the entry, ThmIndxrTM builds a default filename that is based on the version number of the program.

Note: If the Write Output HTML File editfield does not include an extension when the Go! button is pressed to start ThmIndxrTM, TxLaunch appends an extension of ".htm" to the editfield text, and uses the result as the filename for the HTML file that will be generated. If you wish to write an HTML file with no extension (which is not recommended), put a period ('.') at the end of the filename in the editfield.

2 Browse...

This Browse button allows you to pick the HTML Output File using a File Open dialog. Locate the directory where you want the file to be written, enter the name to create a new HTML file or pick an existing one to replace it, then press the OK button in the selection dialog. Your choice is automatically transferred to the Write Output HTML File editfield.

Log File

ThmIndxrTM writes a log file each time it is run unless the feature is intentionally disabled. The log file provides a way of reviewing the steps the program went through to create the output HTML page, and can be useful for determining why an error occurred if something goes wrong during processing. You may also wish to retain the log file as a record of which images you put in your HTML page, especially if an [add files] or [ignore files] list is used in the command file.

The Log File editfield determines the name, and optionally the location, of the log file ThmIndxrTM creates when it is run. All of the log information is written to this one file, even when Recursive mode has been selected.

TxLaunch supplies the default log file name in the Log File editfield when it first starts. If you delete the text of the entry, ThmIndxrTM will not create a log file.

If a Log File entry does not contain any path data, ThmIndxrTM writes its log file to the current directory on the current drive when it is run (the location specified by the Input Directory field). If the Log File entry only specifies a drive letter, the log file is written to the current directory on the specified drive. If the Log File entry only specifies a directory path (no drive selection is made), ThmIndxrTM writes its log file to the specified directory on the current drive.

3 Browse...

This Browse button allows you to pick the Log File using a File Open dialog. Locate the directory where you want the file to be written, enter the name for the log file, then press the OK button in the selection dialog. Your choice is automatically transferred to the Log File editfield.

Note: If the Log File editfield does not include an extension when the Go! button is pressed to start ThmIndxrTM, TxLaunch appends an extension of ".log" to the editfield text, and uses the result as the filename for the log file that will be written. If you wish to write a log file with no extension, put a period ('.') at the end of the filename in the editfield.

Trace Events to Level

ThmIndxrTM writes a log file each time it is run unless the feature is intentionally disabled. The log file provides a way of reviewing the steps the program went through to create the output HTML page, and can be useful for determining why an error occurred if something goes wrong during processing.

The Trace Events to Level control sets the detail level written to the log file:

0 Always
ThmIndxrTM only records events that are always logged: program startup and shutdown, and fatal error reports.
1 Major
ThmIndxrTM also records any major events that occur: reading command files, operating parameters for the program, opening and closing the HTML output file, warnings and non-fatal errors such as when an expected file is not found.
2 Normal
This is the default detail level, where ThmIndxrTM uses the "normal" trace level: the names of image files processed and program state changes are recorded in the log file.
3 Enhanced
ThmIndxrTM uses an enhanced detail in event reporting. This includes operating substate changes, reports of files listed and found, and color count information generated when producing the thumbnail images.
4 Debug
ThmIndxrTM reports events with sufficient detail for normal debugging.
5 Picky
ThmIndxrTM writes "lots of picky details" to the log file, and is not normally needed for debugging.
6 Insane
This detail level is seldom used, because it has ThmIndxrTM put an "insane" level of detail in the log file. Log files generated with this detail level will be megabytes in size, even for small directories. Use this setting with caution, or it may fill your hard disk !!

Debug and greater detail levels should not normally be used. The size of the log file grows dramatically with each higher level of detail, and could easily fill a large disk during recurisve processing. In addition, writing increased levels of detail takes significantly longer. Using the higher detail levels is advised only when reporting a problem running ThmIndxrTM when you have been asked to send the log file, and then only for the specific directory where the program encountered its difficulty.

Verbose Display

When Verbose Display is selected, ThmIndxrTM continuously displays information about the operations the program is performing as it processes the input directory to create the output HTML page and thumbnail images. Scrolling lists and status messages are used to identify the file being processed and the state of the system. Unless you are planning to start the program and walk away for a while, using the Verbose Display is strongly suggested, especially if you are processing a directory with more than about 25 or 30 images.

Quiet Mode

When Quiet Mode is checked, the ThmIndxrTM startup banner is suppressed. If Verbose is turned off as well, the only things the program writes to the screen are prompts to overwrite existing files, and error messages.

Configuration File

When a configuration file is used, its settings override any that have been set through environment or command line variables; some of its settings may also be overridden by entries in a command file. A configuration file also provides access to far more operational controls than can be selected with command line switches. ThmIndxrTM derives most of its potential for creative power and flexibility through use of its configuration and command file facilities.

A configuration file defines the overall operating mode under which ThmIndxrTM executes, as opposed to command files, which define how the program deals with a specific set of images that are incorporated into an HTML page.

Use the Configuration File editfield to specify the configuration file ThmIndxrTM processes to set its global operating parameters.

Note: If the Configuration File editfield does not include an extension when the Go! button is pressed to run ThmIndxrTM, TxLaunch appends an extension of ".cfg" to the editfield text, and writes the result as the filename for the configuration file. If you wish to use a configuration file with no extension, put a period ('.') at the end of the filename in the editfield.

4 Browse...

This Browse button allows you to pick the Configuration File using a File Open dialog. Locate the directory for the file, enter or choose the configuration file name, then press the OK button in the selection dialog. Your choice is automatically transferred to the Configuration File editfield.

5 Edit...

Press the Edit... button to invoke the TixrCfg utility to edit the contents of the Configuration File you have selected. If the file doesn't exist, it will be created when the OK button is pressed to terminate TixrCfg. If you choose an existing file, its contents will be used to initialize the program's variables for you to edit.

If the Configuration File editfield does not include an extension when the Edit... button is pressed, TxLaunch appends an extension of ".cfg" to the editfield text, and uses that as the filename to pass to TixrCfg. If you wish to edit a file with no extension, put a period ('.') at the end of the filename in the editfield.

TixrCfg is run as a separate process. The TxLaunch window is not hidden or minimized, and you can switch back and forth between the two tasks as you wish.

This button is disabled (grayed) unless an entry is present in the Configuration File editfield.

Command File

A non-empty Title String must be defined either on the command line or in a command file when ThmIndxrTM is run, or a fatal error will abort the program's operation. Since command files also provide additional control and flexibility in configuring the program's operation, you should specify the Title String in a command file, rather than on the command line. This will also reduce the possibility of typing errors between runs if you need to rebuild your HTML page.

A command file defines how ThmIndxrTM deals with a specific set of images that are incorporated into a particular HTML page, as opposed to configuration files, which define the overall operating mode under which the program executes. Command files can be used to create unique Web pages within a site by adjusting the background and table parameters, for example, while staying within the general constraints defined by the configuration file established for the site.

If you are not using a configuration file, or if the configuration file does not specify a command file, use the Command File field to indicate the command file ThmIndxrTM is to process for the directory where the program first starts reading images. If the Recursive flag is set, the program will look for command files by the same name in child directories it has recursed into during processing.

Tip: If a Command File is being used, it should generally be in the same directory from which ThmIndxrTM is reading image files. This is strongly suggested to minimize confusion.

Note: If the Command File editfield does not include an extension when the Go! button is pressed to launch ThmIndxrTM, TxLaunch appends an extension of ".cmd" to the editfield text, and uses the result as the filename for the command file. If you wish to use a command file with no extension, put a period ('.') at the end of the filename in the editfield.

6 Browse...

This Browse button allows you to pick the Command File using a File Open dialog. Locate the directory for the file, enter or choose the command file name, then press the OK button in the selection dialog. Your choice is automatically transferred to the Command File editfield.

7 Edit...

Press the Edit... button to invoke the TixrCmd utility to edit the contents of the Command File you have selected. If the file doesn't exist, it will be created when the OK button is pressed to terminate TixrCmd. If you choose an existing file, its contents will be used to initialize the program's variables for you to edit.

If the Command File editfield does not include an extension when the Edit... button is pressed, TxLaunch appends an extension of ".cmd" to the editfield text, and uses that as the filename to pass to TixrCmd. If you wish to edit a file with no extension, put a period ('.') at the end of the filename in the editfield.

TixrCmd is run as a separate process. The TxLaunch window is not hidden or minimized, and you can switch back and forth between the two tasks as you wish.

This button is disabled (grayed) unless an entry is present in the Command File editfield.


The Go! button is grayed (inactive) until you have

Once these minimum requirements are met, you can press the Go! button to have TxLaunch start ThmIndxrTM and generate your HTML page. If you did not enter a Title String or Input Directory in the TxLaunch window, the files you specified are checked to insure they contain the required entries. If an error is found, TxLaunch displays a message box telling you what needs to be corrected, and you are returned to the dialog to fix the problem.

When everything is in order, a console window is automatically opened for the ThmIndxrTM progress displays and any error messages that may be generated, ThmIndxrTM is started, and TxLaunch terminates.

If you want to save the settings in the TxLaunch window (in case you need to regenerate the HTML index page at a later time, or as the basis for building another page), you will need to write them to disk using the Save Settings... before pressing the Go! button to start ThmIndxrTM.


The Cancel button terminates TxLaunch without saving any selections or changes you have made to disk. You are not prompted for confirmation before the dialog is taken down and the program ends.

Libraries used by this program:

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